Banking and Financing

Banking and Financing

On a very basic level, banking and finance business is not presently revolving only around borrowing and lending money in the normal retail or commercial senses; the financial practice is ever-evolving and the national and international lending markets are witnessing new, creative and fit-to-purpose financing scenarios that look nothing like the simple and traditional banking scenarios. From personal banking solutions to huge syndicated loans agreements, legal needs are intense and sophisticated and as such need to be very adaptive.
Sharia’a compliant finance arrangements also add an extra layer of legal – Shari’a difficulties for it being dependent on a subtle understanding of the Shari’a teachings and the reality of the international financial markets and financing trends.
Based on our experience in negotiating and drafting new banking and finance arrangements (such as financing through different rounds for start-up companies ) and our experience in designing Shari’a compliant banking products that are functional equivalent to the ‘conventional’ banking products, we propose ourselves as a one-stop-shop law firm for all the legal needs in this area, such as the bank facilities agreements, syndications, syndication management arrangements, interbank agreements, investment portfolios, and hedging.